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Drawing Project Closer to Production Phase … Hydro-Testing of Tank 2 Successfully Completed

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07 December 2008
The momentum achieved by the introduction of gas into the Yemen LNG liquefaction plant at Balhaf on 19 November was coupled with yet another technical milestone represented by the successful completion of hydro-testing of first LNG tank on 30 November 2008.

All checks to the foundations of the tank have been satisfactorily achieved meeting the necessary expectations. Such tanks are tested to verify the reliability of foundation under static load and settlement between the inner and outer structures. Checking of weld seams on the shell is also performed as an additional complementary check to the required very stringent weld testing.

Another technical test will be completed after installation of the ‘shell resilient blanket’ and completion of the outer wall at the temporary opening entrance.

The hydro-testing of the LNG tank involves filling it up with seawater and then discharging the seawater after ensuring that all the Tank systems are functioning properly. Filling up the Tank with seawater – a process that takes four days – commenced on Saturday, 22 November and was completed on Tuesday, 25 November 2008. Then, the discharge process started on Thursday, 27 November and – taking also four days–was concluded on Sunday, 30 November 2008.


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