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Yemen LNG co-sponsors the International Thalassemia Day, receives Award in recognition of support to humanitarian initiatives

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07 May 2014

Continuing to act responsibly at the society level, Yemen LNG co-sponsored the annual event marking the International Thalassemia Day organized by the Yemen Society for Thalassemia and Genetic Blood Disorders.

During the event which took place on Tuesday, 06 May 2014 and which was attended by high profile government representatives, several awareness-raising activities won the hearts of the audience. The president of the Society, Dr. Ahmed Al-Maqrami, praised the contributions of Yemen LNG as a diamond sponsor of the event and the previous support of the Company to the Society. He noted that there are about 3,200 registered thalassemia cases with the Society, up from about 200 a few years ago.

In his turn, Vice Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Nasser BaOum, called upon everyone to support the thalassemia patients and specifically on the Supreme Judicial Council through passing a law that makes it mandatory to test for thalassemia prior to getting married. “This is the only effective precaution to stop thalassemia,” added the Vice Minister.

In her turn, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Dr. Amat Al-Razzaq Hummad, also commended the achievements made by the Yemen Society for Thalassemia. She noted that the Ministry will do its best to accommodate patients of thalassemia in the labor market. Alongside, several educational and entertaining materials were displayed.

Yemen LNG was presented with a trophy for supporting the Yemen Society for Thalassemia at the end of the ceremony.

In addition to Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Vice Minister of Health, Deputy Ministers of Endowment, the event was attended by several members of the Parliament, businessmen, and a large number of Thalassemia patients and their families.


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